Экстон (англ. Axton) – игровой персонаж класса Спецназовец (англ. Commando) в игре Borderlands 2. Кроме того, его голос можно услышать в дополнении «Величайший искатель Хранилища — Бойня в Холо-куполе» к игре Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.
Смотри подробнее в статье Сделай или умри.
Экстон – бывший солдат корпорации Даль. Предысторию его прибытия на Пандору можно узнать из ЭХО-записи, которая есть у Экстона с самого начала игры, а история его похождений на планете описана в ЭХО-записях, разбросанных по локации Линчвуд.
Активный навык: Турель Сабля
- Основная статья: Экстон/Дерево навыков
Модификаторы класса
- Основная статья: Экстон/Модификаторы класса
- Впервые о существовании персонажа стало известно 21 февраля 2012 из трейлера игры.
- Цена за голову Экстона — 5 млрд. долларов, так как он — военный преступник.
- Несмотря на плакат, в игре Красавчик Джек объявляет, что цена за голову Экстона — 1 млн. долларов, и что цена за голову Роланда ещё в силе.
- Турель Экстона произведена корпорацией Даль.
- На лбу у Экстона виден металлический значок, указывающий на звание сержанта.
- В ближнем бою Экстон использует томагавк, который носит на поясе с левой стороны.
- Не любит кошек.
- Любит свою турель, о чем время от времени напоминает репликами при её активации.
- Если на компьютере имеются сохранения из первой части, Экстон получает возможность надеть шлем солдата Алого Копья с треснутым левым окуляром.
- В трейлерах турель «Сабля» была намного больше, размером почти с самого Экстона.
- Если Экстон экипирован одним из «волшебных» модификаторов гранат из дополнения Крошка Тина штурмует Обитель дракона, то при броске турели он произнесёт соответствующую фразу.
- Вместе с Сальвадором появляется в качестве комментатора в дополнении «Гонка вооружений» для Borderlands 3
- Содержание личной ЭХО-записи, которая есть у Экстона с начала игры:
- Сара: Экстон, завтра батальон отправляется на Фемиду, и я не хочу видеть тебя с нами. Ни в качестве солдата, ни в качестве… мужа.
- Экстон: Что? Сара, какого черта…
- Сара: Помнишь, что случилось на Гестии? Тебе поручили защищать сановника, а ты прицепил к нему устройство слежения, передал его врагам, проследил за ними до их базы и взорвал ее целиком. С сановником внутри.
- Экстон: Да, шикарно вышло! Ну признайся, ведь было круто.
- Сара: Демофонт. Фракия. Тантал… Ты постоянно нарушаешь приказы, лишь бы только выпендриться. Мне такой солдат не нужен.
- Экстон: И что теперь? Прикажешь меня расстрелять? Из устава следует, что за нарушение приказа полагается суровое наказание.
- Сара: Именно. Завтра в 9 утра тебя отведут в карцер, где ты пробудешь до казни. Как твой командир, я не могу посоветовать тебе сегодня же рвануть в самоволку и попытать счастья на пограничных планетах.
- Экстон: Жаль. Я бы к такому совету прислушался.
- Экстон: Что это?
- Сара: Мое обручальное кольцо. Забирай… Алмазы мне никогда не нравились.
- Экстон: Досадно.
- Основная статья: Экстон/Галерея
Персонажи | |
Borderlands |
Брик • Лилит • Мордекай • Роланд |
Borderlands 2 |
Экстон • Майя • Сальвадор • Зер0 • Гейдж • Криг |
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel |
Афина • Вильгельм • Железяка • Ниша • Двойник Джека • Аурелия |
Borderlands 3 |
Зейн • Моуз • Амара • З4ЛП |
Axton is the playable Commando class character in Borderlands 2. He was revealed on February 21, 2012, in the Borderlands 2 Launch Date Trailer.
Originally from Hieronymous, Axton spent ten years with the Dahl military force, reaching the rank of sergeant. After his pursuit of personal glory and disregard for orders led to numerous compromised missions, his wife and commanding officer Sarah simultaneously divorced him and discharged him from the military. Sarah made it a point to highlight that this would lead to his death by firing squad, then ordered him not to flee to any of the numerous border worlds beyond Dahl’s reach. Taking her not-so-subtle suggestion, Axton went AWOL, using his skills and turret as a mercenary on other planets.
Axton became aware of the Vault thanks to a radio advertisement orchestrated by Handsome Jack, who had been monitoring the Commando’s most recent bounty hunt.[1] Although Axton was turning in more bounties and making far more money than anyone else in Sheriff Youngblood’s jurisdiction, he found that it was too easy, and the lure of fame, fortune, and challenging combat drew him to Pandora.
- Borderlands 2
- Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
- Designer’s Cut
Action skill: Sabre Turret
Axton is able to deploy a versatile Dahl Sabre Turret, a mounted gun featuring 360° rotation that can be upgraded with many weapons and abilities. The turret’s duration is 20 seconds and its cooldown is 42 seconds.
Axton has 3 Skill trees:
- Guerrilla
- Gunpowder
- Survival
Class Mods
- Main article: Class Mod (Borderlands 2)#Axton
ECHO Recordings
- Main article: Axton/ECHO Recorders
- Main article: Axton/Quotes
- Axton’s melee weapon is a tomahawk.
- With careful spending of 43 skill points, it is possible to get the turret featured in the opening title sequence with a level 47 Axton. (Double Up and Mag Lock)
- On the PlayStation Vita version, there is a glitch where Axton’s voice will be replaced with Salvador’s voice. The cause is unknown, but it was first noticed with his grunting when jumping.
- Axton’s ex-wife Sarah was also his former commanding officer, and Axton wears her dog tag and wedding band.
- Axton is wanted for war crimes, and the bounty on his head is $5,000,000,000, which is the lowest among the six playable Vault Hunters in Borderlands 2.
- Axton has a dislike of cats.
- Although Axton’s sexuality has had controversy, Axton is officially bisexual.
- Axton was to be executed by a firing squad, avoiding the execution only because he went AWOL and went to Pandora.
- If Axton is the chosen as the starting character, an ECHO log will be in the inventory about Axton and his wife, Sarah. It plays the dialogue between them of Sarah discharging Axton from the military and suggesting that he go AWOL to the border worlds. She also gave him back her wedding ring, saying she never liked diamonds.
- When Axton deploys his Sabre Turret, he sometimes addresses it with pet names such as «sweetie», «honey», «the Mrs.», or his «girlfriend».
- Axton’s quote «throwing a masher» is a reference to the nickname of the German Model 24 grenade «the potato masher».
- Axton’s quote «oscar-mike» is a phonetic alphabet delivery of the letter «O» and «M». This a military acronym used most often by infantrymen meaning ‘on the move’.
- Axton’s Class Mod is represented by the device mounted on his right shoulder.
- Axton apparently had a dispute with Tiny Tina, having said some things that made her throw dynamite at him.[1]
- By the events of Borderlands 3, Axton has since become a model as one of Moze’s Iron Bear skins prominently features a half-naked pin-up of Axton.
- Merchandise featuring Axton has also become available as an ECHO recording in Claw and Order mentions a life-sized body pillow of Axton and a model of his Sabre Turret.
External Links
- Axton’s Skill Tree
- http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/showpost.php?p=2432009&postcount=7
- http://au.gamespot.com/shows/now-playing/index.html?event=borderlands_2_with_randy_pitchford20120828
- ↑ (See Lynchwood ECHO recordings)
v • d • e Character Classes |
Borderlands |
Brick • Lilith • Mordecai • Roland |
Borderlands 2 |
Axton • Maya • Salvador • Zer0 • Gaige • Krieg |
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel |
Athena • Claptrap • Nisha • Wilhelm • Jack • Aurelia |
Borderlands 3 |
Amara • FL4K • Moze • Zane |
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands |
Brr-Zerker • Clawbringer • Graveborn • Spellshot • Spore Warden • Stabbomancer • Blightcaller |
v • d • e Borderlands 2 |
Player Characters |
Axton • Maya • Salvador • Zer0 • Gaige • Krieg |
Features |
Missions • Weapons • Gear • Locations • Skills • Achievements • Challenges |
Add-On Content |
Просмотров 3.9к. Опубликовано 17.07.2019
Каждый персонаж в игре уникален, но большего интереса вызывают главные герои. В этом гайде по персонажам в Borderlands 2 можно узнать больше об истории Экстона.
Незадолго до прибытия на Пандору, Экстон состоял в отряде военных из корпорации «Даль». Его жена была командиром, но ставила карьеру выше собственного счастья. В итоге они развелись и Экстон подался в вольные наемники, что привело его в Линчвуд – город, в котором добывали эридий. Но и там его ждал неприятный сюрприз в виде головорезов, которые только и жаждали его смерти.
После неприятного опыта в роли наемника, он решил ответить на предложение Джека, который приглашал всех охотников за сокровищами на поиски легендарного Хранилища.
ЭХО-записи о его пребывании на Пандору можно найти в Линчвуде.
Характеристики персонажа
В качестве активного навыка солдат использует турель «Сабля». Он может запустить ее в любую сторону и она раскроется. Турель действует ограниченное время, после чего она исчезнет и навык можно восстановить. Если враги уничтожены, а турель все еще активна, то Экстон может забрать ее обратно, восстановив при этом часть навыка.
Дерево навыков разделено на три ветки: партизан, порох и выживание.
Ветка «Партизан» помогает прокачать перки, связанные с турелью – ее урон, дополнительные снаряды и так далее. В конце персонажу станет доступна зашлакованная атака.
«Порох» позволит персонажу увеличить урон от любого вида оружия, а также его параметры – скорость перезарядки, обойму и так далее. Если вкачать ветку до конца, то при размещении турелей будет происходить ядерный взрыв.
Третья ветка, «Выживание», содержит множество любопытных перкой – восстановление активного навыка, наличие защитного купола у турели, а в конце вообще можно будет размещать две турели, причем, где угодно.
Некоторые подробности об Экстоне
Когда персонаж только появляется на Пандоре, у него в инвентаре можно обнаружить ЭХО-запись, которая ссылается на причину его прибытия. Также можно заметить, что у Экстона на лбу есть отметины, которые указывают на его звание сержанта.
Что касается его романтических наклонностей, то ему кроме «Сабли» никто и не нужен. В этом можно убедиться во время убийства с помощью турели, ну или когда он ее выпускает.
Кстати, на турели можно заметить маркировку «Даль», что указывает на производство оружия. Джек объявил за голову солдата награду в пять миллиардов – эта информация есть на любом розыскном плакате.
Все гайды по Borderlands 2
Если материл оказался интересным и полезным, тогда поделитесь им с друзьями:
Пример HTML-страницы
• Имя: Экстон
• Класс: Спецназовец
• Активный навык: Турель
Нажмите [F], чтобы разместить турель «Сабля», которая автоматически стреляет во врагов. Если вы находитесь рядом с турелью, нажмите [Е], чтобы забрать её и немного ускорить восстановление навыка. Восстановление: 42 с. • Боевой стиль: В первую очередь – укрыться самому, во вторую – сделать так, чтобы враг не успел укрыться.
Фракция Искатели: Хранилища
Статус: жив
Вид: человек
Возраст: 26
Родная планета: Иеронимус
— Цена за голову Экстона 5 млрд. т. к. он — военный преступник
— Не любит кошек
— В рукопвшном бою использует ледоруб
— Экстону грозил расстрел из-за огромного кол-ва проваленных миссий поэтому он сбежал на Пандору
— Эсли на компьютере имеются сохранения из первой части то у Экстона будет возможность надеть шлем солдата Алого копья
— На лбу имеется тату с символом войс США
— Турель Экстона произведена корпорацией Даль
Fast Travel
- 1 Axton the Commando leveling build Borderlands 2
- 2 Best Mid Game builds for Axton the commando borderlands 2
- 3 Best Level 72 OP 8 Axton Builds and Skill Trees
Axton the Commando
Axton is certainly an underestimated character in Borderlands 2, and finding an updated guide for Axton the commando is not an easy task. For this reason, we decided to write an article with the best Borderlands 2 Axton builds.
First of all, let’s get to know this character.
A brief presentation of Axton
In Borderlands Axton is a former soldier for Dahl’s army but sadly he got kicked out and his wife divorced him… For this reason, he decided to go to Pandore planet and this is where his story begins as a vault hunter!
“10 years of Dahl military experience, at your service!”
As you can see Axton is a human, his main weapons are rifles, grenades and turrets. This character is for you as long as you enjoy explosions, missiles and blowing enemies heads off. Axton the commando is a great and fun character, he is playable solo and in coop. In solo his turrets are very useful especially if you are new at Borderlands, because they can act as a distraction giving him the ability to survive many battles and bosses fights. In coop he is highly appreciated by other players because of his turrets which will take the aggro off your teammates.
Axton tree skills explained
As like other characters you have the choice of investing your points in 3 different skill trees:
Guerilla focuses on a mix of good health regen, fast shield recharging delay and some nice damage improvements. The guerilla skill tree is a well-balanced skill tree to start with Axton the commando.
Gunpowder is all about improving the damages Axton deals with his weapons but also the damages dealt by the Sabre Turret. Choosing this skill tree as your main skill tree for your build will make Axton a good DPS character.
Survival is for improving your survival skills, for example better health and shield stats.
Guerrilla skill tree:
Sentry: Increases damage and duration of Sabre Turret
Ready: Faster reload speed
Laser Sight: Increases the accuracy of your turret
Willing: Improves shield recharge rate and decreases shield delay
Onslaught: when killing an enemy gun damage and movement speed is improved
Scorched Earth: Sabre Turret fires rockets
Able: Regen your health when dealing damage to enemies
Grenadier: Increases to number of grenades Axton can carr
Crisis Management: When your shield is empty your gun and melee damages are increase
Double Up: Adds slag bullets and adds a second gun to the Sabre Turret
Gunpowder skill tree:
Impact: Higher gun and melee damage
Expertise: Increases weapon manipulation speed
Overload: Increases ammo for assault rifles
Metal Storm: When killing an enemy it increases fire rate and decreases recoil
Steady: Reduces recoil for all types of weapons and increases the damage for rockets and grenades
Longbow Turret: Increases h ealth and improves the distance the turret can be deployed
Battlefront: Increases damage when the turret is out
Duty calls: Increases damage and fire rate for non-elemental weapons
Do or Die: Ability to throw grenades during fight for your life and increase grenade and rocket damage
Ranger: Increases damage, accuracy, fire rate, magazine size, reload and health
Nuke: Deploying the sabre Turret will create a nuke blast.
Survival skill tree :
Healthy: Increases your maximum health
Preparation: Increases shield maximum capacity and when the shield is full you get health regeneration
Last ditch effort: Increases weapon damage and movement while in Fight for Your Life
Pressure: The lower your health is, the faster your reload and shield recharge will be
Forbearance: Increases health and reduces the elemental effect duration dealt by enemies
Phalanx Shield: The Sabre Turret creates a shield
Quick Charge: When killing an enemy your shield regenerates
Resourceful: Reduces skill cooldown
Mag-Lock: allows turrets to be deployed on ceiling and walls
Gemini: Allows you to deploy two turrets
Axton the Commando leveling build Borderlands 2
Now we have finished with the presentation of Axton let’s get to the point and let’s find out which is the best Borderlands 2 commando build for you!
One mistake to avoid when you start a new character is to focus on getting the last skill of a skill branch, the problem by doing this is you will skip some important key skills which will make your Axton vulnerable.
When you start your first run you should focus on these skills: Impact, Metal storm, Ready and Preparation. These four skills are essential for Axton because they improve all your weapon stats, a better shield capacity and health regeneration. Axton will survive better in critical situations and making him a better character to play with. Honestly starting with these skills will make your game more enjoyable.
level 0-5: Continue the game and push these levels up!
Level 5: Unblock the Sabre Turret
Level 5-10: Points on Preparation
level 10-15: Points on Impact skill
Level 15-20: Points on Ready skill
Level 20-25: Points on Sentry skill
Level 25-26: Only 1 point on Scorched Earth
Level 26-31: Points on Metal Storm
Level 31-32: Points on Longbow skill
By level 32 you should have the following skill tree: link
Now that you have the main skills for Axton you must choose what build you want to focus on!
Best Mid Game builds for Axton the commando borderlands 2
The following builds will take you to around level 50-55. We will see 3 mains builds for Axton: Double Up, Gemini and Nuke.
Double up build – Axton the Vanguard
The advantage of this build is your turret will deal good damage and above of that it will also slag enemies which allows Axton to deal greater damage. This double up build is great for solo because you not be relying on your turrets for survivability. In Co-op this build is highly appreciated, while your turrets are slaging and distracting the opponents your team will be taking care of more complicated enemies.
This build is relying on the skill Double Up in the Guerrila skill tree, adding slag and a second gun on the sabre turret.
Gemini build – Axton the Engineer
With the Gemini build you will rely more on your turrets, the fact is you will be able to deploy two turrets simultaneously. Believe me, with two turrets you feel safe and in addition, you can deploy them on walls and ceilings, useful against bosses.
Solo and in Co-op the Gemini build is enjoyable, you let your turrets do the work while you go exploring the surroundings.
This build is relying on the skill Gemini which allows you to deploy 2 turrets.
Nuke build – The Nuclear Commando
The nuke build is not used as much as the other 2 builds above; however, it is still an interesting build you play with. As the name suggests this build is based on explosions and damage made by guns and grenades. The downside of this build is your turret won’t deal a significant amount of damage, the turret will only be used as a distraction.
This build is polyvalent: being fun and useful for your team to play solo as in coop.
The nuke build is built around the Nuke skill which creates a nuke blast when the turret is deployed.
Best Level 72 OP 8 Axton Builds and Skill Trees
The following builds are end-game builds. You have now made all the main missions in vault hunter mode and you would like to complete the Digistruct Peak Challenge, well let me tell you reaching this milestone requires many hours of hard work, congrats!
Now let’s focus on the real bests Axton UVHM builds!
The Gemgineer build
Credit to Ninja_Mrrr and Arcxna
This commando build is a great guide to turn your Axton into a lethal weapon with the help of his best friends: his turrets! He can deploy two turrets with 2 guns on each of them and in addition being able to deploy them in a far range with the skill Longbow.
For this build you imperatively need the COM – Legendary Engineer, this mod will improve: Sentry, Able, Impact, Battlefront and Resourceful.
Your main action skill will now have a fast cooldown giving Axton the ability to deploy his turrets in a small timeframe. While his turrets are deployed, his gun damages are nicely increased and in addition the turrets will regen Axton’s life when dealing damage to enemies.
To play this build efficiently you must use your turrets in the most optimized way possible. by this I mean deploy your turrets when you are against enemies and when the job is done all enemies are cleared out then recall your turrets to gain some extra cooldown time. You must support your turrets by slagging enemies with your Magic Missile grenades.
Best gears for Axton Gemineer build
Weapon 1: Razrez Lyuda – Elemental: Fire or Shock
Weapon 2: Twin Hornet
Weapon 3: Slippery Ogre
Weapon 4: Rustler’s Twister
Shield: Antagonist
Relic: Shock Bone of the Ancients
MOD: COM – Legendary Engineer
Grenade: Magic Missile
The BeeFour build
Credit to KIjackalLL
Why is this build named the BeeFour? Because it relies on 2 turrets with 2 barrels on each of them and in addition the shield The Bee.
This build is great for Axton, with this build you will be able to pass through OP 1 to OP 8 in no time! On youtube you can find players accomplishing the OP8 Digipeak solo with the BeeFour, this is how amazing this build is.
The Bee Shield is great but it has important downsides which are low shield capacity and slow cooldown (6 seconds). However, the commando skills are great to minimize the downside of the shield by reducing its cooldown and increasing shield capacity.
Here are the main points with this BeeFour commando build:
– Fast shield regeneration
– Nice health regeneration: 18% every 3 seconds
– Minimum cooldown for your turrets
To play this build you must keep in mind to shoot enemies only when your shield is full. As soon as your shield gets down, jump around, hide for a bit to let the shield regenerate. As soon your shield is full again don’t hesitate to target enemies by this your health will regenerate faster.
Pay attention that this build only costs 68 skill points, giving you 4 extra points to use as you wish.
Best gears for Axton BeeFour build
Weapon 1: Sandhawk – Elemental: Fire
Weapon 2: Sandhawk – Elemental: Corrosive
Weapon 3: Gromky Lyuda – Elemental: shock
Weapon 4: Norfleet – Elemental: shock
Shield: : The Bee or inflammable Bee
Relic: Fire bone or corrosive bone
MOD: COM – Legendary Engineer or COM – Legendary Soldier
Grenade: Magic Missile
Axton stands out as being something of an all-rounder in the world of Borderlands 2. His turret allows players to throw a fixed point of assistance into the fray while his own personal strength. Playing Axton effectively requires players to use their own intelligence to position their turret in just the right spot to assist them in taking down opponents, while making use of their own trigger finger to make the difference. Leveling him up, though, can at times be difficult. Here’s our guide for how to build Axton in Borderlands 2 in the Handsome Collection.
How to Build Axton in Borderlands 2 Handsome Collection
The original Borderlands 2 capped players at level 50, whereas in The Handsome Collection (or after purchasing the correct DLC on PC or last-gen consoles) allows characters to be leveled all the way up to 72.
While this does allow you to make use of an absolute smorgasbord of different talents, it’s still a limiting factor.
Yes with a maximum of 67 skill points available to you, it can be easier to make the right build. That doesn’t mean that enemies get any easier to kill. If anything, they become more difficult as Borderlands 2 goes on, meaning you’ll have to efficiently create a build that fits your play-style.
That’s where this guide comes in, really. First, we’re going to offer you some guidance on building Axton into a beast while leveling in Borderlands 2, then offer you a selection of different builds to use at the maximum level available in Borderlands: The Handsome Collection. Without further ado, let’s get to leveling.
Leveling Build
Prospective Axton users will already have seen that he’s got a lot of talents at his disposal that’ll help the turret-flinging terror alive without the need for any extra effort.
These are the skills that should be prioritized when climbing up the ranks in Borderlands 2 because a dead Vault Hunter is a useless Vault Hunter.
Your first port of call should be to put 5 points into Preparation. This will allow you to regain health between fights or by taking cover in battle as your pool regenerates by a 2% (when maximized) per second when Axton’s shields are at maximum.
After this, head over to the Guerrilla tree, filling out both Sentry and Willing. This means that your turret is more capable of dealing damage while your shields regenerate much faster, allowing Preparation to be used to full effect.
Before going any further, stick one point into Scorched Earth to help you deal more damage as your opponents become stronger.
Now’s the time to throw a whole host of points at Able. Whenever you damage an enemy with this talent, you’ll be regaining health.
Since Axton is already great for those who like Vladof weapons, this talent is utterly necessary to keep you breathing while you’re still getting stronger. After that’s been done, bounce back over to the Survival tree and max out Last Ditch Effort.
Enemies are now likely becoming powerful enough to take you out if you’re a little unlucky. This increase in movement speed and gun damage will get you up and about quicker than usual.
Throw one point into Phalanx Shield to give you a mobile safespot (and give your turret a survivability boost) and finish off with 5 points in Quick Charge.
Quick Charge finishes off the whole shield/health regeneration boost for Axton, turning you into a nigh-on indestructible force on the field of battle. By now, you’ll be running around at level 37 and that’s where this leveling build ends.
By now, you’ll know Axton well enough to choose your own path to glory.
If you’re still looking for guidance though, on the next few pages you’ll find a collection of max level builds for solo or multiplayer gameplay, along with a couple of focused ones built specifically to utilize Axton’s unique abilities.
Solo Build
As you head into level 72 territory, your enemies are going to become much more difficult. This means that you’re going to have to seriously up your game to make Axton work.
While Axton is never technically solo due to his turret, he still has to be carefully built in order to maximize his unique skills while avoiding any significant issues.
Borderlands 2 isn’t a game that you play through once and get to the end. By the end of your first playthrough you’re already thinking about your final build. So let us take the weight off of your shoulders with our own suggestion for those planning to play Axton solo.
The first thing you’ll notice about the build above is that it utilizes the end talents of Guerrilla and Survival. There’s a damn good reason for this; they’re incredibly powerful in Axton’s capable hands.
One grants your turret the ability to inflict slag effects on your opponents and the other offers the chance to throw two turrets into the mix.
The application of Slag allows you to avoid having a weapon in your inventory that exists only to apply this effect and the double turrets thing is — well, obvious, surely. Double the gun, double the fun.
When it comes to everything else there are a few choice talents to make solo gameplay easier. Grit can sometimes be imperative to saving your life since it’ll offer the chance to ignore damage and regain health.
Metal Storm twinned with Onslaught means that after something dies, you’ll be able to kill the next opponent even quicker and help you maintain that speed.
Finally adding in both Longbow Turret and Resourcefulness means that there’s plenty of opportunity to place turrets quickly and in any position you choose.
That’s solo gameplay out of the way, so up next is a build for co-operative gameplay.
Co-op Build
Playing Axton alongside other players isn’t actually that much different to playing him alone.
His most effective abilities are the still the same when with others, although there are some talents which become less useful. When looking at this as a co-op build, one must assume that you’re not going to be the focus of the enemy’s attention forever.
That means throwing points into the health and shield regeneration skills is not quite as important. Of course, this all depends on who you play with, but this has been built under the impression that your partner will be able to heal you or take the enemy attacks while you deal damage.
Whatever is a turret-toting military man to do when they can’t focus on keeping themselves alive. The answer is simple really, focus on destroying whatever’s in front of them with blistering amounts of lead and death.
Skills such as Metal Storm, Onslaught, and Pressure all come together to reduce your reloading downtime to a point where it’s barely noticeable.
They’ll also allow you as Axton to get around the battlefield faster and destroy whatever ugly creature has decided it wants you for lunch.
Throwing points into talents which might otherwise appear to be useless like Ready and Expertise may seem a little dumb at first, but they join the aforementioned talents in slashing the time you spend unable to deal damage.
Of course you’ve still got the ability to tear enemies apart with double turrets but when using this, make sure to remind your co-op partner that they can ask for a shield.
Being on hand to throw a turret towards your companion when they’re in trouble could save their life as the shield gained from Phalanx Shield is enough to save many people from a sticky situation.
Do remember that these builds are not sacred. You don’t have to stick to them, nor are they the be-all-and-end-all of playing Borderlands 2 as part of the Handsome Collection with Axton. They’re simply a guideline to be used when you’re building your own death-dealing menace.
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Character Profile
Axton is the Commando class in Borderlands 2. He is able to deploy a turret onto the battlefield to help him during combat. The turret is great for solo and co-op play as it will draw aggro from enemies. Axton is good with all guns and is able to access in assault rifles and explosive weaponry.
Action Skill
Sabre Turret: Axton is able to deploy a versatile Dahl Sabre Turret, a mounted gun featuring 360° rotation that can be upgraded with many weapons and abilities. The turret’s duration is 20 seconds and its cooldown is 42 seconds.
Skill Tree Overview
- Guerilla
- The Guerrilla tree focuses on getting Axton into the fight and improves the Sabre Turrets ability to perform continuous high damage attacks.
- Gunpowder
- The Gunpowder tree focuses more heavily on medium range explosives and weapon damage. Improves many of Axton’s offensive combat stats, and improves the turret mostly as a tactical deploy/distraction.
- Survival
- The Survival tree focuses on defensive stat boosts and abilities, using the turret frequently, and pulling Axton back from the brink of death.
Axton skill tree builder
- Character Traits: Determined, Deadly, Dickish
- Planet of Origins: Hieronymous
- He spent 10 years with the Dahl military force
- During his time in the Dahl military force Axton reaching the rank of sergeant.
After Axton’s pursuit of personal glory and disregard for orders, which led to numerous compromised missions, his wife and commanding officer Sarah simultaneously divorced him and discharged him from the military. She made it a point to highlight that this would lead to his death by firing squad, then ordered him not to flee to any of the numerous border worlds beyond Dahl’s reach. Taking her not-so-subtle suggestion, Axton went AWOL, using his skills and turret as a mercenary on other planets.
Axton became aware of the Vault thanks to a radio advertisement orchestrated by Handsome Jack, who had been monitoring the Commando’s most recent bounty hunt. Although Axton was turning in more bounties and making far more money than anyone else in Sheriff Youngblood’s jurisdiction, he found that it was too easy, and the lure of fame, fortune, and challenging combat drew him to Pandora.
- Axton’s ex-wife Sarah was also his former commanding officer, and Axton wears her dog tag and wedding band.
- Axton is wanted for war crimes, and the bounty on his head is $5,000,000,000, which is the lowest among the six playable Vault Hunters in Borderlands 2.
- Axton has a dislike of cats.
- Although Axton’s sexuality has had controversy, Axton is officially bisexual.
- Axton was to be executed by a firing squad, avoiding the execution only because he went AWOL and went to Pandora.
- If Axton is the chosen as the starting character, an ECHO log will be in the inventory about Axton and his wife, Sarah. It plays the dialogue between them of Sarah discharging Axton from the military and suggesting that he go AWOL to the border worlds. She also gave him back her wedding ring, saying she never liked diamonds.
- When Axton deploys his Sabre Turret, he sometimes addresses it with pet names such as “sweetie”, “honey”, “the Mrs.”, or his “girlfriend”.
- Axton’s quote “throwing a masher” is a reference to the nickname of the German Model 24 grenade “the potato masher”.
- Axton’s quote “oscar-mike” is a phonetic alphabet delivery of the letter “O” and “M”. This a military acronym used most often by infantrymen meaning ‘on the move’.
- Axton’s Class Mod is represented by the device mounted on his right shoulder.
- Axton apparently has had a dispute with Tiny Tina, having said some things that made her throw dynamite at him.